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DWMX doesn't return Access DB tables

Posted 27 Jul 2002 03:27:42
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27 Jul 2002 03:27:42 Michael Tiller posted:
I am trying to connect to an DSN named Access Database. I connect to the database on the remote server but DWMX returns tables "none". My database has tables. Why does it do this? One user I found on forum said to edit the URL prefix( under the testing server,under edit site). I don't know what else I can enter for that. I've tried a lot of URLs and still get no tables returned. Thanks for all the help.


Replied 29 Jul 2002 11:19:38
29 Jul 2002 11:19:38 Simon Bloodworth replied:
What are the names of the tables?

Certain names conflict with names that are used with access.

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