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Log in Problem

Posted 07 Oct 2002 10:51:24
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07 Oct 2002 10:51:24 Jo Broeckx posted:
I have just recently started with web design. I'm building a webpage and it is going quite well. I allready have made a database (microsoft acces)so that's no problem but when i try to make a login it allways faills can anyone help me?? please
I don't kno what to do next!



Replied 07 Oct 2002 11:13:25
07 Oct 2002 11:13:25 Martha Graham replied:
Can you show us the code?

Martha Graham
Replied 07 Oct 2002 11:48:29
07 Oct 2002 11:48:29 Jo Broeckx replied:
he doesn't show a code. In the popup menu you have to give a page where the user that has succesfully log in will be directed to. When the log in faills he is directed to another page also set in the poppup menu. After a correct login I am allways directed to the wrong page.
Replied 07 Oct 2002 12:42:45
07 Oct 2002 12:42:45 Martha Graham replied:
It seems like you are doing the right thing.

Can you check the path?

Martha Graham
Replied 07 Oct 2002 13:12:42
07 Oct 2002 13:12:42 Jo Broeckx replied:
I'm sorry but i'm quite new at this. How do I check the path?

Thnx for your help
Replied 07 Oct 2002 13:33:10
07 Oct 2002 13:33:10 Martha Graham replied:
No problem. I haven't been doing this for a long time either.

Check where your file is saved. The whole path on your computer.

Martha Graham
Replied 07 Oct 2002 13:44:37
07 Oct 2002 13:44:37 Jo Broeckx replied:
the path of the page where the server behavior is on? Or wath path?
Replied 07 Oct 2002 13:53:27
07 Oct 2002 13:53:27 Martha Graham replied:
The path where the file is you are trying to redirect to after you succesfully login.

Martha Graham
Replied 07 Oct 2002 14:08:51
07 Oct 2002 14:08:51 Jo Broeckx replied:
and with the fail option
Replied 10 Oct 2002 10:01:47
10 Oct 2002 10:01:47 Martha Graham replied:
Now make sure you have them entered correctly.

Martha Graham
Replied 10 Oct 2002 23:58:00
10 Oct 2002 23:58:00 Dennis van Galen replied:
Oy, hoop Nederlanders hiero...

ColdFusion, that is interesting Cyaankali...

Did you setup your Application.cfm page properly ?

ColdFusion works quite differently then you'd expect if you are used to .asp, for instance in ASP you create a session and in CFMX you literally log into the server, that is why with ColdFusion it is easier to manage your roles (authorisation levels), did you follow the Macromedia tutorial ?
It's really good and it can explain much better then i could, you can find it here:

i followed the tutorial and it was great, with hardly any effort i created a shielded section of the trio site with various user-roles that shielded certain pages holding potential HIGHEST level data, in this case a sales section for the big boss.

also this is very good:

you will, at one point, also want to read documents about session management in ColdFusion:

we were all new at one point or another, i started less than 2 years ago...
but just getting started with ColdFusion, it's good fun though, alot easier than ASP and there's tons more you can do with it.

With kind regards,

Dennis van Galen
Webmaster KPN Services
Financial and Information Services
Replied 11 Oct 2002 09:46:26
11 Oct 2002 09:46:26 Jo Broeckx replied:
I've tried to create the application.cfm but it still doesn't work. I always get redirected to the wrong URL. I made the application.cfm file by just inserting the lines in the page or is that wrong? my settings in coldfusion are ok I think. Can anyone help me I have very little time. The website should have been ready!!
Thnx for all your help!!
Replied 11 Oct 2002 18:25:17
11 Oct 2002 18:25:17 Dennis van Galen replied:
There's no other way to create the application.cfm file, dreamweaver by design will NOT create this page for this reason:

Imagine you have a application.cfm page with 30 lines of application wide settings and you build a page using a behavior and dreamweaver would create an accompanying application.cfm page, therefore overwriting your existing page which would result in all the other pages suddenly failing, so they designed dreamweaver to not create it, to be safe.

I'm not sure what else can be wrong, except the settings in the behavior windows or you are trying to access a page that you don't have permission for. For instance, you are access level user and the page won't allow users just administrators, this could be one reason why you can't reach the page.
Or there are no users in the database table.

I'm not sure either, I need to see it to fix it.

Sorry that i'm not very helpfull, I just got home after a 5 day brainwash session called "Programming a SQL Server 2000 database".

You can try the ColdFusion forum on if you really need help fast, it is here:

Actually, there are 16 ColdFusion forums, it's quite the product if you ask me.

With kind regards,

Dennis van Galen
Webmaster KPN Services
Financial and Information Services

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