
This topic is locked

to darkkave

Posted 18 Jan 2003 05:51:45
has voted
18 Jan 2003 05:51:45 zahir muhammad posted:
there is nothing wrong with the page i mentioned, maybe the page is taking some time to load on your computer, just be patient. ignore any error message that u received, my user name and password are good and still valid. i do hope that u are still willing to help me. thanks.


Replied 23 Jan 2003 17:35:41
23 Jan 2003 17:35:41 Rafi Mellado replied:
Ok I finally got it working.
Although on the bmw page its done in jsp I think it can be done in asp just as well, although I wouldn't use access to do this database.
As far as I can tell you would need a database with many many fields.
For example a car body, and car model table, a car color table with images, a car interior table, 7 optional equipment tables (wheels, communication, exterior equipment, interior equipment, safety, technology, and transmission). All this information could be passed on as form variables, and kept as invisible fields or as session variables, which you could later write to a database. Its not really that hard to do, its just submitting forms and hanging on to the values somehow, the hard part would be setting up the database and linking it.
Its just a matter of getting your hands dirty and trying to do it. I think it is possible to do this with DMX without having to much hand coding except some javascripts you might need to add the totals, and change the picture of the car when you click on a different car color.

"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done."

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