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seperating data with commas

Posted 14 Sep 2004 20:55:09
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14 Sep 2004 20:55:09 colin hart posted:
I would imagine this is a super easy question but I am stumped. I receive data from vendor with a field called features. features includes data like "A354, A321, A345, A876". I then have another table has the full name for each feature that would have a field for ID and name and a records would look like this

ID Name
A354 Refriderator
A321 Oven
A345 A/C
A876 Central Heat

normally this is easy with a simply INNER JOIN but since I get the data with all features in one field seperated by a comma
A354, A321, A345, A876
that INNER JOIN doesn't work. How would I break these up so I can have it write out all the features by name on my asp page?

I am useing SQL2000, DMX, ASP, VBSCRIPT

** By the way, thanks for all the help, this site is by far the best at getting quick and correct help


Replied 15 Sep 2004 18:11:01
15 Sep 2004 18:11:01 Lee Diggins replied:
Hi Bob

Can you please give a full example of the string you expect to get. And where is this string coming from, txt file etc.?


Sharing Knowledge Saves Valuable Time!!!
Replied 15 Sep 2004 18:51:56
15 Sep 2004 18:51:56 colin hart replied:
basically here is what I have
I have two tables

One with the property address and features

ResData (TableName)
PropID PropAdd PropFeatures
1 123 Main Street A123, C124, F125
2 154 Main Street A124, C124, F123
3 555 South Street A555, G432, T432

FeatureCodes (Tablename)
FeatureCodeID Label Value
1 A123 Bay Window
2 C124 new appliances
3 F123 French Doors
4 F125 New Dishwasher
etc, etc

what I have now is a page that does a simple
Select *
FROM ResData
WHERE (PropID='1')

this will then allow me to create a detailed paged for each property, what I need to do though is display the features as well

I want them to just appear in a paragraph like this

Applianes: Bay Window, New Appliances, New Dishwasher
if the record has those features in that PropFeatures Field

hope that helps and thanks again for the help

Replied 17 Sep 2004 13:05:22
17 Sep 2004 13:05:22 Lee Diggins replied:
Hi Bob

Run this in query analyser, this gave me the results you're after.

<pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code>DECLARE @myString VARCHAR(500), @strOut VARCHAR(500), @PropID INT
SET @PropID = 1 -- set you property ID here
SET @myString = (SELECT PropFeatures FROM resData WHERE PropID = @PropID)

SET @strOut = "SELECT [Value] FROM FeatureCodes WHERE Label IN ('" + REPLACE(@myString, ", ", "','" + "')"
SET @strOut = REPLACE(REPLACE(@strOut, CHAR(13),''), CHAR(10), '')

EXEC (@strOut)

SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON </font id=code></pre id=code>

You'll need to sort the output on your web page to put the text into a paragraph.


Sharing Knowledge Saves Valuable Time!!!

Edited by - Digga the Wolf on 17 Sep 2004 13:07:36
Replied 17 Sep 2004 21:02:17
17 Sep 2004 21:02:17 colin hart replied:
sorry to be such an idiot but I am a bit confused. I put that code in the page and I get this

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0408'

Invalid character

/PropSearchDetails.asp, line 339

DECLARE @myString VARCHAR(500), @strOut VARCHAR(500), @PropID INT

sorry to be such an idiot. By the way, I like your choice in Bikes, I dont ride street but alot on the dirt.
Replied 20 Sep 2004 11:46:33
20 Sep 2004 11:46:33 Lee Diggins replied:
Hi Bob

Sorry my mistake!

The solution I provided is SQL, which could be run from a stored procedure but the code will need to be tweaked. What language do you want the code in?

The 7R has gone, traded it in for a ZZR1200, still got the 10R though. I had a go a motocross a few years ago, it was fantastic fun, felt like a real hero, I'd love to do it again.


Sharing Knowledge Saves Valuable Time!!!
Replied 22 Sep 2004 23:41:24
22 Sep 2004 23:41:24 colin hart replied:
sorry for the delay, I am pretty unfamiliar with the stored procedures, I was just hoping to write in and insert it into the ASP page.

I have a buddy who is a test rider for yamaha and I got to ride the R1 at Laguna Seca last week. it was awesome, that bike is a rocket and that course what amazing to not only see but to ride on. I think I looked like a fool in front of all the test guys becuase they passed me like I was standing still but it still was a good time
Replied 23 Sep 2004 11:09:03
23 Sep 2004 11:09:03 Lee Diggins replied:
Hi Bob

I need to have a think about this so I'll get back to you later.


Sharing Knowledge Saves Valuable Time!!!
Replied 24 Sep 2004 14:40:04
24 Sep 2004 14:40:04 Lee Diggins replied:
Hi Bob

Here's an entire test page, just change the second line to your connection and play around until you have it incorporated into your page:

<pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code>&lt;%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%&gt;
&lt;!--#include file="Connections/Test.asp" --&gt;
Dim intTest
If Request.Form("txtID" &lt;&gt; "" Then
intTest = 1
intTest = 0
End If
If intTest = 1 Then

Dim Recordset1__ID
Recordset1__ID = "0"
If (Request.Form("txtID" &lt;&gt; "" Then
Recordset1__ID = Request.Form("txtID"
End If
Dim Recordset1
Dim Recordset1_numRows

Set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_Test_STRING
Recordset1.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.ResData WHERE PropID = " + Replace(Recordset1__ID, "'", "''" + ""
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 1

Recordset1_numRows = 0
Dim myIN, myINArray, myCounter, myUpper, myOut
myIN = Replace(Recordset1.Fields.Item("PropFeatures".Value, ", ", "','",1,-1,1)
myOut = "'" & Replace(myIN, " ", "",1,-1,1) & "'"

Response.Write("&lt;strong&gt;Input from PropFeatures: &lt;/strong&gt;" & myIN & "&lt;br&gt;"
Response.Write("&lt;strong&gt;Output after manipulation: &lt;/strong&gt;" & myOut & "&lt;br&gt;"
Dim Recordset2__myRange
Recordset2__myRange = "0"
If (myOut &lt;&gt; "" Then
Recordset2__myRange = myOut
End If
Response.Write("The string below is the SQL that's being passed to the server:&lt;br&gt;"
Response.Write("SELECT * FROM dbo.FeatureCodes Where Label IN (" & Recordset2__myRange & ""
Dim Recordset2
Dim Recordset2_numRows

Set Recordset2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
Recordset2.ActiveConnection = MM_Test_STRING
Recordset2.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.FeatureCodes Where Label IN (" & Recordset2__myRange & ""
Recordset2.CursorType = 0
Recordset2.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset2.LockType = 1

Recordset2_numRows = 0
Dim strOut

While ((NOT Recordset2.BOF) AND (NOT Recordset2.EOF))
strOut = strOut & Recordset2.Fields.Item("Value".Value & ", "

End If
&lt;title&gt;Untitled Document&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"&gt;

&lt;form action="" method="post" name="frmtest" id="frmtest"&gt;&lt;input name="txtID" type="text" value="Enter PropID"&gt;
&lt;input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"&gt;
if intTest = 1 Then
&lt;table border="1"&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Appliances: &lt;/strong&gt;&lt;%= strOut%&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;% End If %&gt;
If intTest = 1 Then
Set Recordset1 = Nothing

Set Recordset2 = Nothing
End If
</font id=code></pre id=code>


Sharing Knowledge Saves Valuable Time!!!
Replied 24 Sep 2004 14:59:08
24 Sep 2004 14:59:08 Lee Diggins replied:
Hi Colin

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>I have a buddy who is a test rider for yamaha and I got to ride the R1 at Laguna Seca last week. it was awesome, that bike is a rocket and that course what amazing to not only see but to ride on. I think I looked like a fool in front of all the test guys becuase they passed me like I was standing still but it still was a good time
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

Lucky lucky you!

Don't concern yourself about the 'fool' bit, it's up to them to go around you, just enjoy.

I'm supposed to racing next seasonas a friend needs another team rider, me thinks I need some practice.


Sharing Knowledge Saves Valuable Time!!!
Replied 24 Sep 2004 19:30:18
24 Sep 2004 19:30:18 colin hart replied:
that was soo cool of you to make that form, I tried it and I am SUPER CLOSE, I get this far

Input from PropFeatures: APL103,APL188,APL291,APL298,APL430,APL543
Output after manipulation: 'APL103,APL188,APL291,APL298,APL430,APL543'
The string below is the SQL that's being passed to the server:
SELECT * FROM dbo.FeatureCodes Where Value IN ('APL103,APL188,APL291,APL298,APL430,APL543')
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/test.asp, line 46

I have tried to take that SELECT statement and put it in a TEMP view in SQL and it just brings me back no results, in the ASP page it just gives me that error.
Replied 27 Sep 2004 10:49:36
27 Sep 2004 10:49:36 Lee Diggins replied:
Hi Colin

I think this line is missing, if not let me have your asp page script:

myIN = Replace(Recordset1.Fields.Item("PropFeatures".Value, ", ", "','",1,-1,1)

The error is showing that the items in the IN list are not separated correctly, they should be enclosed with single quotes and separated with commas.

If fact, just had a thought, I bet the above line is in place but it's looking for ", " so replace the line above with:

myIN = Replace(Recordset1.Fields.Item("PropFeatures".Value, ",", "','",1,-1,1)


Sharing Knowledge Saves Valuable Time!!!

Edited by - Digga the Wolf on 27 Sep 2004 11:56:52
Replied 27 Sep 2004 22:21:32
27 Sep 2004 22:21:32 colin hart replied:
you are the man. That worked perfectly, I should have picked up on that but I think my frustration level was too high at that point. It worked perfectly and looks awesome.

I can't thank you enough, if you were a yamaha rider, i would try to get you some yamaha gear. let me know if you do and I will see what I can get for ya

email =

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