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Summer Sale and upgrades

Posted 08 Jun 2005 00:08:54
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08 Jun 2005 00:08:54 Jeff Whitfield posted:
Hi there,

I noticed something with the current pricing of the Pure PHP Image Bundle. With the Summer Sale discount, the price is set at $159...but the Upgrade discount is still at $149. leads me to there any way that I could get a similar price for the upgrade? My thinking is that if you're selling the extension package at a 30% discount for new users then perhaps upgraders could get it at a similar disount. So that would make it around $102-103 for upgraders. Any chance that I could get the extension package for this? I run my business as a part-time deal just for fun so I don't really make a whole lot of money on it. The price savings would be an immense help on my pocketbook!


Jeff Whitfield
"I can learn to resist anything but temptation..."

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