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Why are PHP Extensions not being developed?

Posted 27 Jul 2006 15:08:48
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27 Jul 2006 15:08:48 David Weller posted:
Hi, i have posted this on the php forums earlier, but it might be worthwhile trying here to.

I have some concerns about the lack of development with DMXZone php extensions such as file genie, smart mailer etc. Why is it that it seams to be the ASP versions that are always being updated with new fixes. I have since installed DW8 and cannot use these extensions without major bugs apearing when trying to use or fix problems that have raised their ugly heads.

Are there going to be any new developments with the php extensions especially the ones built by George.

We have all paid good money for these and would like to know if i have wasted my money on using these extensions for future site development, past the DW2004 models, after all things are supposed to get better and be improved as time goes by. But why the lack of future development??????

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