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Smartmailer PHP - send template file

Posted 25 May 2007 17:52:36
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25 May 2007 17:52:36 Luiz Barros posted:
I am with a problem I placed the smartmail to send a page template for the email.

# $sm1->setBody_Template_html("visualizar.php";
Only that when I execute script it it gives error informing that it does not find the archive of template. If I change to send text in the body of the email
# $sm1->setBody_Static_html("Ficha Cadastral\n";
He functions.

What he can be happening?
Because it does not want to find template visualizar.php? Is one bug in however opening the archive?

I am try
# $sm1->setBody_Template_html("");
Only that when I execute script it it gives error informing that it does not find the archive of template.

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