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Help, broken cell

Posted 31 Jul 2007 22:05:46
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31 Jul 2007 22:05:46 Paul Guattomolo posted:
I have probably done this totally wrong, but I am in the middle of building a site for a company and have run into an issue.

I need the website to expand downward indefinitely so that the owners can write as much as they want. At point point I had it perfect, but now I have an issue.

When I dump in "fake type" a single cell in the table expands when it shouldn't. I have set that cell's height to the art's height, but it expands anyway, as if something is tearing it downward. It is the cell with the artwork that says "News". (which will eventually be a button).

As you can see, there is a break right beneath the "news button" - I know its the news button cell because when I place it on "middle" or "button" alighment the "news" button moves in that space.

Edited by - artisticfury on 31 Jul 2007 22:06:23


Replied 01 Aug 2007 17:59:54
01 Aug 2007 17:59:54 Paul Guattomolo replied:

(sorry bumping past the spam the forum received)

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