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Creating Login Pages - Server Behavior Issues

Posted 10 Jul 2008 17:27:33
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10 Jul 2008 17:27:33 Craig Hennon posted:
I'm having issues with creating a login page. First, I get the page created with a username text box, password text box, save username checkbox, etc. Next, I add the server behavior for 'User Auth' - 'Login User'.'s the problem. When I complete that, I get this error (SEE BELOW). Somehow the server behavior duplicates. I can't go on until I make one of them unique from the other. I tried every which way to delete it, but I can't. Any suggestions?


"The server behavior panel cannot determine whether "Log In User" or "Log In User" is applied to your page. Please select Edit Server Behaviors and change one of the 2 behaviors to ensure that each is uniquely identifiable."

NOTE: By using the "-" sign above the panel, I can't remove the duplicate.

Also, when I create a login page, I do need to insert a form first("form1" and then place the username, password, checkbox inside that "form1" form I just created, correct?

Thanks for all your help!


Replied 22 Oct 2008 08:30:37
22 Oct 2008 08:30:37 john adamucci replied:
Hey Craig...did you ever get this figured out? I get the same error, when i try to alter the DW-generated script. even adding a carriage return seems to do you know if there is a way to alter the script at all?

this is weird, I think....

Replied 22 Mar 2009 17:36:24
22 Mar 2009 17:36:24 paul maguire replied:
I'm still looking for an answer to this....anybody? I'm trying to change the script to allow:

$LoginRS__query=sprintf("SELECT username, password, id FROM s2_users WHERE username=%s AND password=MD5(%s)",

NB I have noticed the (cs3) message is

The Server Behavior panel cannot determine whether "Log In User" or "Log In User " is applied to your page. Please select....

Note the extra space at the end of "Log In User ".
Replied 07 Aug 2012 00:05:48
07 Aug 2012 00:05:48 Mauricio Manrique replied:
Remove the extra espace, in your query GetSQLValueString($loginUsername,"text", GetSQLValueString($password,"text");
when you add the space generates the error, when it is removed the error is gone. MM

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