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SQL ODBC connection eror

Posted 03 Nov 2008 14:05:14
has voted
03 Nov 2008 14:05:14 Balu T posted:
Here is the error I getting uniquely on this page; I looked evrywhere and could not find the origin of this error.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '='.

/JKI/nikhil/emp_detail.asp, line 56

Server Name: IBM
Data Base: fennerpms
User name: sa, Password: password

<title>Employee Authorization</title>

<% if session("user_id"="0" then
end if

<body link="red" text="#000000" bgColor="#FFFFFF" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0"
marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" >
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="HEAD.asp"-->


dim ps
dim ps1
dim ps2
dim s1
dim rs1
dim connection
dim recordset
dim recordset1
dim rs2
dim rs3
dim rs4
dim rs5
dim rs6
dim rs7
dim rs8

set Connection=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection" "FILEDSN=fennerpms;UID=sa;password=password"

set recordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
set rs1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
set rs3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
set rs4 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
set rs5 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
set rs6 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
set rs7 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
set rs8 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"

s1= "select * from kra_part_a1"

ps="select * from kra_pers_dtl where emp_cd = " & session("emp_cd1" & " " ps,connection

s2="Select * from kra_part_a1 where emp_cd ="& session("emp_cd1" & " and year_of_appl= ' " & session("tcd" & "' "

s3="select * from kra_personal_attr"

s4="select * from kra_appr_rec"

s5="select * from kra_yearly_couns"

s6="select * from kra_comp_asmt"

s7="select * from kra_trg_dev"

s8="select * from kra_potential_asmt"

rS2.Open s2,Connection

If NOT rs2.EOF then %>

<font face="verdana" color="blue">
<h4 align="center"><font size="1">Click here</font> <a href="main.asp" target="_parent">KRA Menu</a></h4></font>

<% else %>


rS1.Open s1,Connection, 1,2
rS1("emp_cd"= session("emp_cd1"
rS1("year_of_appl" = session("tcd"
rs1("flag1"= 0
rs1("flag2"= 0
rS1.Update s3,connection, 1,2
rS3("emp_cd"= session("emp_cd1"
rS3("year_of_appl" = session("tcd"
rS3.Update s4,connection, 1,2
rS4("emp_cd"= session("emp_cd1"
rS4("year_of_appl" = session("tcd"
rS4.Update s5,connection, 1,2
rS5("emp_cd"= session("emp_cd1"
rS5("year_of_appl" = session("tcd"
rS5.Update s6,connection, 1,2
rS6("emp_cd"= session("emp_cd1"
rS6("year_of_appl" = session("tcd"
rS6.Update s7,connection, 1,2
rS7("emp_cd"= session("emp_cd1"
rS7("year_of_appl" = session("tcd"
rS7.Update s8, connection, 1,2
rS8("emp_cd"= session("emp_cd1"
rS8("year_of_appl" = session("tcd"


end if

<form method="POST" action="emp_register.asp">
<p align="center">

<table border="2" width="100%">

<th colspan="3" ><font face="verdana" color="Black" size="1pix"><u>Registered Successfully!!!</u></font><br>
<font face="verdana" color="RED" size="3pix">PERSONAL DETAILS</font></th>

<td align="left" valign="middle" width="50%">

<font color="RED" size="2" >Name Of The Appraisee- </font>
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("emp_name")%><br></font>

<td rowspan="20" align="center" valign="middle" width="5%">
<img src="/jki/nikhil/images/starman.jpg" width="89" height="118" >

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Employee Code</font><font size="2"> </font>
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><%= session("emp_cd1" %></br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Designation</font><font size="2"> </font>

<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("Designation")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Position</font><font size="2"> </font>
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("position")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Level</font><font size="2"> </font>
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("emp_level")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Date of Entry Into Present Designation (MM/DD/YYYY)</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("DOP")%><br>
<td><font size="2" color="RED">Department Name</font><font size="2"> </font>
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("Dept_name")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Qualification</font><font size="2"> </font>
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("qualification1")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Additional Qualification after Joining</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("qualification2")%><br>
<td><font size="2" color="RED">Date Of Joining (MM/DD/YYYY)</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("DOJ_JKTI")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Date Of Joining in JK EZ</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("DOJ_KTP")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Date Of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("DOB")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Name Of The Appraiser</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("appr_name")%><br>
<td><font size="2" color="RED">Appraiser's Designation-</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("appr_designation")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Name Of Reviewer</font><font size="2"> </font>
<td width="36%"><font size="2" color="#006699">MR. AK MAKKAR </font>
<font size="2"><br>
<td><font size="2" color="RED">Reviewer's Designation-</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><% = response.write(recordset("rev_designation")%><br>

<td><font size="2" color="RED">Name of Functional Superior(where applicable)</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><br>
<td><font size="2" color="RED">Functional Superior's Designation</font><font size="2">
<td width="36%"><font color="#006699" size="2" ><br>




<p align="center"><br>
<b><font size="1">click here</font>
<a href="main.asp" target="_parent">KRA Menu</a></b><br><br>



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