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Unknow UPDATE multiple records ERROR

Posted 03 Jun 2009 02:12:14
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03 Jun 2009 02:12:14 Ismael Ontiveros posted:

I'm very new in all about programing so im sorry if my problem its silly

I'm following this tutorial to upload multiple records in a ASP webpage and a DB from Access

Now, i want to upload several (3) "String" and "Integer" info but i get an ERROR when i add the second string call, i mean, the ASP bring me the info but doesnt uploaded. This happen olny when i add the second String or Integer


If Request("Submit" ) <> "" Then
intRecIDs = Replace(Request("hidRecIDs" ), "*", "" ) ' remove all the asterisks, to create a list like this: 2, 5, 8, 9 etc.
arrRecIDs = Split(intRecIDs, ", " ) ' Create an array, wich will contain just the IDs of the records we need to update
For i = 0 to Ubound(arrRecIDs) ' Loop trough the array
strTxt = Replace(Request("txtText" & arrRecIDs(i)), "'", "''" ) "Text type of data"
intNum = Replace(Request("txtNum" & arrRecIDs(i)), "'", "''" ) "Numeric type of data"
boolPag = Replace(Request("selYes" & arrRecIDs(i)), "'", "''" ) "Yes/No type of data"
strNam = Replace(Request("txtName" & arrRecIDs(i)), "'", "''" ) "Text type of data" [!] i think here is the problem, cause without this it works fine

set commUpdate = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command" )
commUpdate.ActiveConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../../../C4DMDBhost/TVE CRM.mdb" ) & ";Persist Security Info=False"
commUpdate.CommandText = "UPDATE TableCRM SET RecText = '" & strTxt & "', RecNum = '" & intNum & "', RecYes = '" & boolPag & "', RecName = '" & strNam & "' WHERE RecID = " & arrRecIDs(i)
commUpdate.CommandType = 1
commUpdate.CommandTimeout = 0
commUpdate.Prepared = true
strMessage = " Listo"
Response.Redirect("MultiUpdateDemo_test.asp?Message=" & strMessage)
End If

// THE CALL //

Dim Recordset1
Dim Recordset1_cmd
Dim Recordset1_numRows

Set Recordset1_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command" )
Recordset1_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_crmtve_STRING
Recordset1_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT RecID, RecText, RecNum, RecYes, RecName FROM TableCRM"
Recordset1_cmd.Prepared = true

Set Recordset1 = Recordset1_cmd.Execute
Recordset1_numRows = 0


<td nowrap>
<%= intRecID %><input name="hidRecID<%= intRecID %>" type="hidden" value="<%= intRecID %>" size="5">
<td nowrap>
<input name="txtText<%= intRecID %>" type="text" onChange="RecUpdate('<%= intRecID %>')" value="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecText" ).Value)%>" size="20">
<td nowrap>
<input name="txtNum<%= intRecID %>" type="text" onChange="RecUpdate('<%= intRecID %>')" value="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecNum" ).Value)%>" size="20">
<td nowrap>
<input name="selYes<%= intRecID %>" type="text" onChange="RecUpdate('<%= intRecID %>')" value="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecYes" ).Value)%>" size="20">
<td nowrap>
<input name="txtName<%= intRecID %>" type="text" onChange="RecUpdate('<%= intRecID %>')" value="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecName" ).Value)%>" size="20">


Replied 06 Aug 2009 16:00:03
06 Aug 2009 16:00:03 Owen Eastwick replied:
Hi Ismael,

What is the error message you get when you run the page?

I think the problem is probably something to do with a mismatch of the data types you are trying to update and the database fields. For example when you are inserting or updating a text field, it will look like this:

commUpdate.CommandText = "UPDATE tblName SET TextField='" & strText & "'"

If you are updating a numeric value, it will look something like this:

commUpdate.CommandText = "UPDATE tblName SET NumberField=" & intNumber

Notice that the value is not surrounded by single quotes.

Also, when you have boolean values, or you are using a checkbox in a form, you need to assign a value if none is provided through the form, ie. the checkbox is not ticked. For example:

boolChecked = Request.Form("chkTrueFalse")

If boolChecked = "" Then boolChecked = false

I hope that helps.

Edited by - Owen Eastwick on 06 Aug 2009  16:01:25

Edited by - Owen Eastwick on 06 Aug 2009  16:02:04

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