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Dreamweaver 800a0bcd Either BOF or EOF is True

Posted 25 Jul 2011 01:59:45
has voted
25 Jul 2011 01:59:45 Duffy Weiss posted:
Hi - here's the situation - I've got a page that shows a list, and when you click on one of the list items, it will go to a category page that displays that category. However, if that category doesn't exist yet it will throw out the 800a0bcd Either BOF or EOF is True error.

I've looked through the forum and could not find anything that worked for me. This is what I tried:

%If rsDakrat.EOF and rsDakrat.BOF then
end if

and I tried this one too -

<% If rsDakrat.EOF And rsDakrat.BOF Then %>
<p>Sorry, your search did not return any results. Please try another term. </p>
<% End If %>

Also, I'm not sure if my code was correct since the text boxes in the forum seem to be messed up.

Thanks in advance!
Edited by - Duffy Weiss on 25 Jul 2011  02:00:17


Replied 29 Jul 2011 05:32:26
29 Jul 2011 05:32:26 Duffy Weiss replied:
any ideas? I'm really stuck here, and I believe this is a simple and common issue - I know someone out there knows the code for this - please help!

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