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Ultrasuite cookies & session vars seem not to work

Posted 31 Jul 2001 13:54:46
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31 Jul 2001 13:54:46 Alex Carr posted:
I'm using Ultrasuite Extensions to set a cookie from a form object in a three frame frameset.

The layout of the frameset is, one at the top, two below it split left and right. The top_frame posts details that the bottom_right frame uses to Filter (through a Form Var) its recordset when loaded. Now the problem arises because I want the bottom_left frame to filter its recordset with the same value but I can only think of doing this by either a cookie or session var set to the same top_frame form object.

I've triggered the bottom_left frame to load once the bottom_right frame loads (using an on_load behaviour) under the impression that the page would need to be reloaded for it to be aware of the cookie value. However the cookie doesn't seem to be wanting to play. This problem also happens with the session variable extension.

At someone's suggestion on the macromedia newsgroup I tried sending a request within the GoToUrl command, such as...

load "left_frame.asp?var1="&<%=Request("variable"%>

However this had no success It even seems as if the bottom_left frame is only loading the once when the frameset is called and doesn't seem to respond on refreshs, perhaps I'm mistaken by looking for the flicker of the frame reloading but it certainly seem to be unflinching once it's first loaded. Perhaps there is another way of forcing the page to load without resorting to a Javascript GotoURL behaviour? Could this be related to why the cookies/session vars are not working?

I get the feeling that my lack of working knowledge in ASP, UD, Cookies and Session Variables is conspiring against me, any takers on this?


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